Summer Studies 2013

By Greenville Grace Church (other events)

Sun, Jun 30 2013 6:00 PM EST Sun, Aug 4 2013 7:30 PM EST

Summer Studies are offered each summer to provide equiping and training for the body of Grace. While the stuies are primarilly preseted in such a way to impact the family at Grace, all are welcome to attend. Studies run for 6 weeks on Sunday evenings (6-7:30pm). Childcare is provided. Study fees are $15/person (couples can pay one fee if they share resources...and if finances are an issue, please conatct the church office @ 937-547-0065. We don't want you missing out on good training, and there's folks that would like ot sponsor please come!).

This year's Studies:

Tempted and Tried |  Temptation...ever struggle with it?  |  How does Jesus provide the power for us to prevail over sin in the here and now? Join us as we delve into how we can overcome our temptations because Christ has perfectly overcome His.

Evangelism Training (The Way of the Master)  |  Knowing it and sharing it are 2 different things. | Have you ever said, “I’d share my faith more, but I’m afraid I’d mess it up?” When you hear about evangelism, do you ever think, “I’d like to do that, but I don't know what to say, or how to do it?” Then join us for this Summer Study and lose your excuse!

When People are big and God is Small | People pleasing...Keeping up with the Jones’s...  |  It’s easy to know that what others think of us shouldn’t consume or motivate us...but it’s sure another thing to live it. Join us as we interact with Ed Welch on the topic of why finding our true identity in Christ means truly letting go of the daily gymnastics that peer pressure can so easily create.

Getting to the Heart of Parenting | Parenting is hard work because it is heart work  |  Know that your parenting needs to be informed by the gospel but don’t know where to start?  Join us as we interact with ten 25 minute DVD sessions that explore the need for the gospel to be at the center of the work of parenting, and learn tips on how to make that more of a reality in our homes.



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4805 State Route 49 S Greenville, Ohio 45331