Children's Church Resources...Old Story New

By Greenville Grace Church (other events)

Mon, Mar 17 2014 1:00 PM EST Sat, Oct 31 2015 1:00 PM EST

Get a ticket to reserve your copy of the book Old Story New.  This book will be the basis for the Children's Church lessons for the next 18 mos.

Here's how it can work:

  • Your children attend Children's Church on Sunday and all learn the same lesson (which will be taught at their age appropriate level) in the same Bible passage centering on the same Biblical Truth.
  • You use your copy of Old Story New at home during family devotions to further the lesson along...with each lesson designed to move the Word from their heads to their hearts by seeing the answer to their struggles, or the center of each principle in the provision and character of God in His provision for us in Christ.

We have purchased copies of the book and have them available to anyone interested. Cost: $16/copy.

Copies can be paid for and picked up at the Welcome Center in the church lobby.

Mailing Address

4805 State Route 49 S Greenville, Ohio 45331